Our uniform policy can be found here . Uniform is worn all year round, although it is sensible to wear certain items at certain times of the year, for example summer dresses. Generic items are acceptable, and branded items van be purchased from Fourjays Office Limited, a local firm.
You will find the uniform order form below. Please send any orders directly to Fourjays Office Limited via their email address: john@fourjaysoffice.co.uk. Payment instructions are also included on the order form. Any queries should be directed to John or Jackie at Fourjays Office Ltd using the same email.
Please note, if your child is in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant then school will be able to purchase one jumper or cardigan on your behalf. Please email admin@bosleyschool.co.uk with your order form. If you wish to purchase any additional uniform then please send an additional form direct to Fourjays Office LTD.
In conjunction with the PTA, we run second hand uniform events. Please keep an eye on the Bosley Bulletin for more details. It's important that uniform is not a barrier to learning, so if you do have any concerns then please speak to one of our staff team.