Friends of Bosley St Mary's PTA
Welcome to Bosley School Parent Teacher Association (Bosley PTA)
Our PTA is a registered charity (Charity No. 1094545) which was formed to raise funds to benefit the children of our school and is managed by a committee of 2-3 trustees. Every parent of the children enrolled at school is automatically a ‘member’ of the PTA and is welcome to come along to our termly Committee meetings and encouraged to attend our Annual General Meeting in the autumn term.
Our main fundraising events are the Christmas Fair and the village Rose Queen Fair (In partnership with Bosley Church and Chapel) but we also organise lots of fun events for the children throughout the year such as movie nights, bingo and discos.
We use our funds to enrich the children’s journey through school. The PTA has recently paid for coaches for whole school trips and bought equipment for classrooms including iPads, easels and other learning resources.
If you would like to get involved, please let us know. You would be made very welcome and it’s a great way to get to know other parents and staff. You can get in touch via the school office or by contacting We also have a Facebook page “Friends of Bosley PTA”.
Thank you!
Bosley School PTA