Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Grant – Are you eligible?
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was introducedwith the aim of addressing the gap between the attainment of children. Historically, many children who come from families with a lower income go on to achieve less well. Decision making on how to most effectively spend Pupil Premium funding is guided by evidence collected by, among others, The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Teaching and Learning Toolkit and the Early Years Toolkit.
Link to Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit
Link to Education Endowment Foundation Early Years Toolkit
At Bosley St Mary's the grant enables the school to provided interventions in reading, writing and maths as well as buying specialist resources, subsidising trips and paying for some extra-curricular activities. Our strategy statement below details how we spend the PPG and the impact it has on our pupils.
Parental circumstances change and those who may not have been eligible in the past could now meet the set criteria. Children who are in Reception and Key Stage 1 are also entitled to a free school meal under another government initiative Universal Infant Free School Meals. We are delighted that so many parents have encouraged their children to try school meals and have been heartened by the many clean plates! This has caused some confusion and as a result very few parents have applied for the grant. It is still very important for parents to apply for a ‘Free School Meal’, via the Local Authority, in order for the school to be allocated the additional funding.
For full details, and application form,visit
http://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/schools/free_school_meals.aspx Or phone 0300 123 5012 and they will let you know if the children in your care are entitled to free school meals.
If your child is in Nursery please download the Early Years Pupil Premium leaflet below for additional information.