Collective Worship

At Bosley St. Mary’s, collective worship is a cherished part of our daily routine, celebrated every day as an invitational time for reflection and connection. We value this opportunity to come together as a community, whether in our classrooms or as a whole school, to reflect on and respond to the world around us.

Each day of the week features different themes and styles of worship, providing a rich variety of experiences for our pupils. We also gather for collective worship at St. Mary the Virgin Church at least once every half term, where we warmly welcome families and our wider community to join us in celebration.

Through our partnership with the Chester Diocese Academy Trust (CDAT), we have begun to engage in collaborative worship with other schools, further enriching our collective experience.

We invite everyone to share in our worship, fostering a sense of belonging and community. However, we understand that some families may wish to withdraw their children from collective worship, and we respect this right.

Together, we create a nurturing environment where our pupils can grow in faith and understanding.

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