At Bosley St Mary’s CE Primary School, we recognise the value of creative subjects and ensure that a structured, effective music curriculum is delivered to every Key Stage. Music is recognised as being beneficial to both well-being and cognition and our curriculum aims to enhance these providing children with opportunities to explore, create and share music together.
The aims of teaching Music in our school are:
- develop knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of music.
- develop a listening and appreciation skills
- provide opportunities to perform using voices and instruments
- understand the terminology used in music
- develop composing skills to create their own pieces of music
- acquire knowledge of influential composers
- develop their capacity to evaluate their own and others’ endeavours
At Bosley St Mary’s CE Primary School, the Music curriculum content covered by themes but children develop skills progressively throughout the years, which ensures all objectives are met.
In Early Years, children have a wide range of creative experiences that enable them to meet the Early Learning Goals set out within the creative development section of the Foundation Stage Guidance.
Throughout Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, Music often makes cross-curricular links. Teachers also ensure that children study a key musician with every unit of work, ensuring children are exposed to famous musicians and their influential work.
Pupils will be encouraged to reflect upon their work as individuals, in class groups and through self-assessment as appropriate. Teachers will use formative assessment strategies. At the end of each year teachers will make summative assessments of the attainment and progress made by pupils against the National Curriculum and use these to report to parents/carers.
The subject leader will ensure there is progress within Music by:
• Ensuring the progression of skills are covered in each year group.
• Monitoring the curriculum and the progression of the Subject.
• Reviewing the needs of Music.
• Supporting teachers in promoting high standards.